Academic Catalog

Developmental Skills (CCDS)

CCDS 109 N  Study Skills for Reading  1-3 Credits  
Individualized reading skill strategies necessary for success in college classroom. Repeatable: for a maximum of 3 credits. Graded: traditional or S/U.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate the main idea and supporting details within diverse sources
  2. Explain patterns of organization, detecting facts and opinions, and recognizing inferences among a variety of materials
  3. Define vocabulary with word parts and in context across the disciplines

CCDS 111 N  Study Skills for Math  3 Credits (3)  
Individualized study skill strategies necessary for success in the math classroom. Repeatable: up to 3 credits.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Implement study skills specific to mathematics by being able to identify, define, memorize, and analyze key terms an concepts.
  2. Create and use math study guides and other visual aids.
  3. Apply study skills to master concepts introduced in CCDM 114N.
  4. Utilize technology such as "My Math Lab" and other software programs in order to support learning in CCDM 114N.

CCDS 113 N  Study Skills for English  1-3 Credits  
Individualized study skill strategies necessary for success in the composition classroom. Repeatable: for a maximum of 3 credits.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Analyze communication through reading and writing skills.
  2. Employ writing processes such as planning, organizing, composing, and revising.
  3. Express a primary purpose and organize supporting points logically.
  4. Use and document research evidence appropriate for college-level writing.
  5. Employ academic writing styles appropriate for different genres and audiences.
  6. Identify and correct grammatical and mechanical errors in their writing.

CCDS 119 N  College Reading and Writing  4 Credits (4)  
Instruction and practice in preparation for college-level reading and writing. Students will develop and write essays, work on the writing process, and learn to read and analyze college-level texts.
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement test score  

Learning Outcomes
  1. See course syllabus.