Academic Catalog


Most students never read the catalog introduction from the president. You are one of the few—and I want you to know you have made a wise choice!

It isn’t because I will say anything that will change your life. But what is in this catalog can. You will find the pathways to adventure available to you at Southeast New Mexico College. Whether healthcare or high technologies, trades or transfer programs, you can start at SENMC and go anywhere and do almost anything. It begins with you—and what is in the pages that follow. As you read about the courses you could take, don’t be intimidated by the titles or the descriptions.  We are here to help you with every step and every challenge. You will not find a place more welcoming and committed to your success.

Take a look at the services we offer and do not hesitate to contact any one of our devoted faculty and staff. If you can’t reach someone, call or e-mail me. I will put you in touch with the best person to serve you.

Welcome to the Mountain Lion family!


Our Mission

The mission of SENMC is to provide educational programs, training, and services that best serve our diverse students, communities, and industry.

Our Vision

Building bridges to a better life through education.

Institutional Values

Southeast New Mexico College is committed to and demonstrates:

•    P--Persistence
•    R-- Resilience, respect, and resourcefulness
•    I--Inclusion and integrity
•    D--Diversity
•    E--Excellence